How do I use O.G. image?

  1. For the app you want to generate og:image previews for, make a page that contains the preview data. For instance, O.G. image itself has an example preview of its own og:image at /preview/logo. It should contain only what you want to appear in the og:image, in a roughly 1200x675 pixel window. O.G. image will open this page in a headless browser and screenshot it.
  2. Fork O.G. image and modify knownSites.ts to include your site. The KnownSites object in that file contains a list of sites by name, then by environment. You should set the scaleFactor to 1 at first, and read the Vercel documentation on the Cache-Control header to set the value of cacheControl. Here's an example KnownSites object:
    const oneWeekInSecs = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
    const KnownSites: KnownSitesType = {
      exampleSite: {
        production: {
          baseUri: "",
          scaleFactor: 1,
          cacheControl: "s-maxage=${oneWeekInSecs}, immutable, public",
        staging: {
          baseUri: "",
          scaleFactor: 1,
          cacheControl: "s-maxage=${oneWeekInSecs}, immutable, public",
  3. Deploy your O.G. image fork to Vercel. Make note of the URL that it is deployed to, e.g. You can also deploy to a custom domain.
  4. On the app you want to generate og:image preview for, set its og:image to something like this:
    O.G. image URIAPI subpathSite nameEnvironmenturlSubPath



Do note that Vercel doesn't recommend using puppeteer on its serverless Functions platform, and O.G. image uses puppeteer to start a Chromium process to take the screenshot.

(That said, they do have an example that uses puppeteer to generate og:image previews from text.)

One reason for this is that AWS Lambda functions, on which Vercel Functions are built, have a 50MB maximum code size. If puppeteer + chrome-aws-lambda + my O.G. image code exceed that maximum, deploying to Vercel will fail with an error like Error: Required lambda files exceed max lambda size of 50000000 bytes. If this happens to you, Vercel will likely just tell you not to do this.